Tailored Courses & Coaching to Empower the Educator!

Our out-of-the-box solution gives you everything you need to support you in the classroom for Social Studies and CTE education.

Introducing Lemoney Learning

Finding high-quality resources that align with standards can be challenging. Additionally, with the demands of lesson planning and delivery, there’s little to no time to train on content, leaving you to learn alongside your students.
We’re on a mission to empower educators to enhance their effectiveness in the classroom, while saving them time and money.
Our approach involves offering tailored courses enriched with a wealth of resources, coupled with engaging and concise coaching focused on specific content. Our goal is to help teachers better engage their students and improve academic outcomes.

How we support you


We provide high quality materials that are 100% aligned to state standards, making it easy to adopt.

Lemoney Classroom

We provide high quality materials that are 100% aligned to state standards, making it easy to adopt.


We train you how to deliver instruction (via our content) in the classroom in an impactful way.

Lemoney Coaching

We train you how to deliver instruction (via our content) in the classroom in an impactful way.


We provide you cutting edge tools to increase student engagement by extending your instruction beyond the perimeter of Lemoney Classroom and Lemoney Coaching.

Lemoney AI (Beta)

We provide you cutting edge tools to increase student engagement by extending your instruction beyond the perimeter of Lemoney Classroom and Lemoney Coaching.

We're working to make a lasting impact!

School Districts Represented
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Educators Supported
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Students Taught
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See how we support you in the classroom with our education solutions!